SlimFast Weight Loss Transformation Coordinator, Chelsea C. shares her thoughts on the benefits of a support group during a weight loss journey.
When we set out to create a community for people to share their weight loss stories, we weren’t sure how quickly we would grow. Today, we are celebrating SlimFast Together, a closed private Facebook group, crossing the 10,000 member mark!

As the SlimFast Weight Loss Transformation Coordinator and a SlimFast Together Moderator, I have had the privilege to come alongside many of these members, providing them the support and encouragement they need, that they might not have received elsewhere.

(Chelsea interviewing Chris Kurzer, a SlimFast Success Story)
SlimFast Together is a place where people share their most vulnerable weight loss related questions and stories, because it is a safe and inclusive place to interact and support one another. SlimFast Together is made up of SlimFast users who are pushing through struggles and finding success. It has become a space for camaraderie and support where members collaborate on meal planning, hold one another accountable, and work through challenges with social gatherings and other situations that may come up.

Registered Dietitian and SlimFast Plan Consultant, Maryann Walsh, also joins the group for any nutritional questions that come up. She loves being a part of such an inclusive community: “Individuals participating in an online social support community have been shown to achieve significantly greater weight loss compared to those who are not. The SlimFast Together Facebook community is a wonderful group where participants can give and receive support; from those who are just getting started to those who have successfully lost the weight and are keeping it off!”

† Deborah is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 26 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Deborah L., SlimFast Brand Ambassador and Moderator of SlimFast Together, who lost 63 lbs. in 26 weeks and has kept it off for over two years, knows the power of positive influence: “SlimFast Together is filled with motivation, inspiration, and all the support to guide you along your journey and help you reach your goals!” Deborah shares her story and insights so that others can be successful on the SlimFast Plan.

† Hazely is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 26 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
“We are all in it together! From where to start to how to maintain, SlimFast Together is more than a group. We are a family on a journey to a new lifestyle together”, says Brand Ambassador and SlimFast Together Moderator, Hazely L., who works with Deborah to inspire the community with her own 30 lb. weight loss story. (She lost the weight in 26 weeks and has also kept it off for over 2 years).
The two brand ambassadors are often the first to offer suggestions to community members that are encountering any struggles. Those who are fighting soda cravings might hear about Deborah’s own struggle with sugary drinks and how she overcame cravings. Or if you struggle to find exercise routines, Hazely might suggest a few of her favorite yoga routines to help you get started!
Long time member of the closed group, Teresa S., credits SlimFast and the SlimFast Together community as being major factors in her successful weight loss journey. “SlimFast and SlimFast Together specifically have changed my life in countless ways. SlimFast has given me the ability to take charge of my life and helped me to get my health back. SlimFast Together has been there for me since day one. The group has given me so much support and helped me keep going when things got hard and it helped keep me accountable. I could not have been successful without the group!”
SlimFast Together is a network of supporters, to cheer you on every step of the way. They are there to listen to you when you are having a bad week and encourage you when you’re on your path to success. They can offer their own experiences and ideas for weight loss and can help you strategize future challenges. Whether it is sharing recipes, posting progress photos, or just helping you to stay motivated and to be positive through the rough times, the SlimFast community will always have your back.

A bonus to the group is the interaction the SlimFast Together community has with the SlimFast Brand Team. Members get the opportunity to give feedback on new products and ideas for innovation straight to the team! As a member of the Brand Team, it’s extremely rewarding to be able to interact directly with SlimFast users every day. I get to hear about the different ways that people approach the Plan, meals they prep throughout the week, and what their favorite SlimFast products are.
Nicole C., another active member of The SlimFast Together community thanks SlimFast and the continued support of the community, “SlimFast Together is a wonderful and encouraging group where anyone can go to get support and advice for losing weight on their SlimFast journey! As a proud SlimFast woman, I have grown stronger and healthier everyday with all the encouragement and advice in the SlimFast Together group. It has encouraged me to take my SlimFast journey to the next level!”
Member, Christina R., says, “I love being a part of Slimfast Together!! It continues to give me the support and encouragement that I need to stay the course on my weight loss journey!!! SlimFast has truly changed my life and I am forever thankful to this group and the important role that they also played in my success!!”
So what are you waiting for? No matter where you are on your journey, there’s a group of people waiting to support and lift you up every step of the way!
Looking forward to seeing you in the group,
Chelsea C.
SlimFast Weight Loss Transformation Coordinator