When starting on a weight loss journey, having a support system made up of people who have already been in your shoes can be a game changer! The SlimFast Together and SlimFast Keto Together groups are a place for anyone who is looking for suggestions, support, and motivation to reach their goals with SlimFast. Brand Ambassador Jessica, shares her journey to finding the SlimFast Keto Together community and how it’s helped her reach her goals and keep the weight off.

I was browsing the diet and supplement aisle in my local grocery store when I came upon SlimFast Advanced Energy Caramel Latte Shakes. I had already been contemplating starting a ketogenic diet and the macros of this particular flavor fit my needs. A couple of weeks later, I started a low-carb version of the SlimFast Plan and found the SlimFast Keto range of products. I purchased all of the SlimFast Keto products and while reading the product label I found an invitation to join the SlimFast Keto Together group on Facebook. I immediately requested to join. Little did I know, this step would be crucial in my weight loss journey!
Once my request to join was approved, I found myself going to the SlimFast Keto Together group every day. I didn't share much at first. Like any new situation, I wanted to observe before I opened up and shared my journey and ideas. To my surprise, the group was very inviting and supportive. Other weight loss groups made me feel like I wasn't strict enough or I was too strict. The SlimFast Keto Together group made me feel like I wasn't alone on my weight loss journey. There were so many snack and meal ideas shared within the group, I knew I could come to the group at any point to find something new if I was in a food rut. I also started to feel comfortable sharing my successes and failures with the group and was met with overwhelming support.
Once I met my goal weight, I decided to maintain my weight loss with the SlimFast Maintenance Plan (Replace 1 meal with SlimFast, 2 Sensible Meals & 3 Snacks). I joined the SlimFast Together group (which is similar to the SlimFast Keto group but not specific to the Keto plan) and found the same positive energy that the Keto group had, so I felt instantly accepted and welcome.

My advice to anyone on the fence about joining one of the SlimFast Together groups is to take the leap! Both groups are full of members in different stages of their weight loss journeys and they are moderated by SlimFast Brand Ambassadors that have successfully lost the weight and kept it off with SlimFast. Through the SlimFast Together groups I have made lasting friendships. I met one of my dearest friends, fellow SlimFast Brand Ambassador Liz K., through the SlimFast Together group. We talk almost every day and she is my shoulder to lean on when I need extra support.

Both groups have monthly challenges and recurring topic posts to help keep you motivated. My favorite challenge is Deborah's 30-Day SlimFast Plan Challenge. Deborah's challenge consists of daily activities to motivate group members along their journey. Her challenge has brought me out of my comfort zone in the best way. One particular challenge was to try a new exercise. I decided to try hot yoga that day and found a new favorite form of exercise that I would have never tried otherwise. I also love Terrie and Jenn's “Shakespiration” posts in the SlimFast Keto Together group. Those ladies come up with the most delicious shake recipes and inspire everyone to keep going.

It all comes down to which SlimFast Plan fits your lifestyle. The SlimFast Together group encompasses all of the SlimFast Plans, while the SlimFast Keto Together group is specifically for those following the SlimFast Keto Plan. As a member of both groups, I can say the groups are equally inviting and supportive of members' goals. No matter where you are on your weight loss journey, I highly recommend joining one of the SlimFast Together groups on Facebook. Sign up today!