Traveling can be an amazing experience, but it can be tricky to stay on track with your weight loss goals when you’re out of your daily routine. Lead Brand Ambassador, Hazely shares her personal tips on how the convenient SlimFast products make traveling stress-free and easy to maintain your goals.
As a “mompreneur,” I am always on the go. Actively balancing my role as a mom with my role as an entrepreneur means I travel a lot for business or leisure. With traveling comes a change to my daily routine, which means my eating schedule and meal prepping are not what I am used to. I’ve learned that if I don’t plan ahead, I could be looking at gaining the weight I have lost. So that brings me to share with you what I do to stay on The Plan when I travel!
SlimFast makes it so easy for me to take the products everywhere I go! I can be on a plane to another state or country, or on a road trip in my car knowing I can always count on having SlimFast with me everywhere I go.
Let’s say I am traveling by plane and going through security with a carry-on bag. Well, that’s super easy! I take a small bag with me and fill it up with two SlimFast Keto meal replacement bars. I take two because I never know when I might have a delayed flight. I also take my SlimFast Keto Fat Bombs or my SlimFast snacks. They go through security perfectly! I buy a bottle of water at the airport, and I’m all set. Needless to say, I save a ton of money because airport food can get expensive.

If I am checking my luggage, I pack my SlimFast Keto meal shakes and SlimFast Advanced or Advanced Energy ready-to-drink shakes. These are definitely a breakfast saver! I keep them in my hotel room, and I am all set. Again, I am saving money and time.

Now let’s talk road trip… Don’t we ALL love those?! Well, I take my little cooler with me and pack it up with my SlimFast goodies and tons of water! I stay on track and travel happy knowing that SlimFast makes it so easy for me to stay on The Plan.
So the next time you travel for vacation or business, try some of these tips to stay on track, and if you do indulge and gain an extra pound or two, that’s ok too! Be patient with yourself, enjoy in moderation and just get right back on your 1-2-3 SlimFast Plan when you come back. After all, SlimFast fits our lifestyle!