Back to School shopping marks the end of summer bringing with it long hours of roaming the stores with the kids. It’s a stressful time for anybody, but when we’re trying to lose weight it’s even harder! SlimFast Brand Ambassador, Tonia shares her thoughts on how the SlimFast Plan and products can help you stay on track and avoid temptation at the food court!
Back to school clothes shopping is never an easy task, especially when you’re carrying around extra weight. After a long day of taking your kids from store to store your legs and feet start to ache. Keeping up with kids is a task in itself, so losing weight and feeling like “me” again was important! This is where I benefited from SlimFast so much.

I used to use the mall as an excuse to give into my cravings. When you walk around fighting against the crowds for hours, you get exhausted. Everyone is stressed and scrambling and it shows. It can make you stress and scramble too. And then that makes you hungry. So, you give into the sweet smells and temptations and you grab a huge salted soft pretzel and a raspberry lemonade, or a giant chocolate chip cookie and large soft drink. But that only makes it worse. Because now you’re full of junk food and you still have to chase your kids around what seems like the busiest place on earth. So, three years ago I gave SlimFast a shot. I have to say that changed everything for the better.
For starters, it’s so easy to stick to the SlimFast Plan, even when I’m out shopping, because it’s so simple. I have a SlimFast shake before I leave and I’m satisfied for hours.

Then, when the food court smells get to me, I reach into my purse and pull out a delicious Chocolate Mint Fat Bomb or a scrumptious Strawberry Topped Cheesecake Mini Bar. My cravings for sweets are instantly satisfied.

If I want to walk and munch, that’s no problem with my SlimFast Cheddar Cheese snack crisps. I keep my hands occupied with a nice crunchy chip that gives me protein energy. And the best part is, now I don’t feel heavy while I chase after the kids.