Lost 54 lbs and 38" in 41 Weeks
With his long work days as an IT Manager in New York, Angelo struggled to find a plan that worked for him. He wanted to lose weight to keep up with his son and spend more time with him. Once Angelo discovered the SlimFast Plan he lost 31 lbs. and 18″ in 21 weeks. Then, after battling COVID-19 and dealing with the New York City Lockdown, Angelo jumped back on the SlimFast Plan and lost an additional 23 lbs. and 20” in 20 weeks! The SlimFast plan was so easy to follow, I almost forgot I was dieting at all! The shakes and snacks are delicious and kept me full for hours. Being able to eat six times a day helped curb my hunger too. My usual SlimFast routine is a smoothie for breakfast, a shake for lunch, snacks in between and then a sensible meal for dinner. Not having to think about most of my meals made it easy for me to spend more time with my family. Plus, there are so many delicious flavors of the smoothies, shakes, and snacks that I never got tired or bored of eating SlimFast. The BBQ Chips are my favorite and the Creamy Chocolate Shakes really hit the spot. When I planned a day at the park with my son or played softball in the evening, I would often switch it up and have a smoothie for dinner instead so that I could make sure I had a high protein meal after running around or working out. My favorite smoothie recipe is a Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Smoothie. It’s so tasty! Just add the Advanced Nutrition Creamy Chocolate Smoothie mix, 1/2 a banana, 2 tbs. of powdered peanut butter, 1 cup of fat free milk and ice! So easy to make and so satisfying. The meal ideas on the SlimFast website also taught me how to keep my calories down but make a satisfying meal for dinner. The support on the site and Facebook page really helped motivate me to stay on track. The fact that there were so many options and so much support on social media and the website made it easy for me to stick to the SlimFast Plan. I am 31 pounds lighter and I feel wonderful! Thank you SlimFast! Angelo
I was able to maintain my previous SlimFast weight loss from 2016 for a couple of years up until lockdown hit this year. I ended up catching the Corona virus and I was sick for almost an entire month. I could barely move and was eating a lot. It's been very weird just being stuck at home all the time, especially during the first few months of the lockdown. It was a very stressful thing, not being able to carry on as I did before. I know a lot of people ended up putting on weight because you’re stuck at home with nothing to do except eat, and it’s very easy to keep snacking throughout the day. Shortly after I had the virus, I was furloughed from work and lost friends and family to the virus. I went into a depression and started eating a lot and ended up gaining all my weight back. I wasn’t feeling good about myself. I was feeling sluggish and having difficulty breathing. I went to the doctor to get a check-up and was told I was dangerously overweight and that I needed to lose weight. So I jumped back on The SlimFast Plan.
“Now that I lost the weight, I feel great and a lot more energized."
Since I had followed the plan before, it wasn’t hard to slip back into the groove. I lost a total of 23 lbs. and 20” in 20 weeks. Because of the lockdown and my illness, I was unable to go to my gym or exercise a whole lot. I am pretty sure if I exercised, I probably would have lost weight faster or have been more solid with muscle. My friends and family have noticed the weight loss, they’ve noticed a difference in my attitude and I’m more active. As soon as they see me they say “Oh, wow! You look different, you’ve lost weight!”.
I love pasta, pasta’s one of my favorite things to eat. I’m also Hispanic, which means I usually have rice with every meal. This time around, on the plan, I decided to reduce the amount of carbs I ate. So I would have a shake for breakfast, a bar for lunch, and then for dinner I would have a low carb, protein rich meal. It’s shakes and snacks throughout the day and then I can eat whatever I want for dinner. It’s not that hard! I just had to stick to it. Now that I lost the weight, I feel great and a lot more energized. My clothes are very loose, so I need to buy a whole new wardrobe. Also, when I look in the mirror now, it’s like “Damn, you fine.” I feel good, and I look good. My wow moment came a couple of weeks ago when I was getting ready for work and put on my belt, it was on the last notch and was still loose. I had to punch two more holes into it so it could fit tighter.
“That’s something that I’d love the world to know. As long as you stick with you, you can accomplish anything.”
My wife is my biggest champion on this weight loss journey, my son is very supportive as well. Some of the challenges I faced on this journey was finding the motivation to stick with it. There were times where I wanted to forget that I was following a plan and just eat. I had lost both of my parents recently, and it’s been difficult. There were a lot of inner battles I had to deal with, I learned a lot about myself and my tolerance for things. I’ve learned that, as long as you have people there supporting you, you can get through anything. That’s something that I’d love the world to know. As long as you stick with you, you can accomplish anything. Just have a positive attitude and somebody by your side. One of the first things I did when I accomplished my goal, was take myself out on a date. You know, it’s great to have people around you but you have to first be comfortable with yourself. So I went out to dinner and a movie.
It’s not easy to go through this journey alone, but just count on the support of others. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If I could go back in time and talk to myself before starting this journey I would say, “don’t worry, it gets better!” If I could share one tip or tick on how to get through your diet, it would be to pace yourself. Space everything out through your day so you don’t get hungry and can handle your cravings better. The biggest change I have noticed in myself is that I don’t get winded easily. I live in a top floor walk-up, and by the time I used to get to the third floor I was out of breath. Now I go up and down several times a day to get groceries or walk the dog and I’m not winded.
† Angelo is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 21 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After