Lost 34 lbs. and 14″ in 21 weeks
At age 40, Lisa decided “not me” anymore when it came to thinking she was powerless to lose weight. After losing three pounds in the first week on her SlimFast Plan, she was inspired to keep going, lost 34 pounds, had more energy and fit better in her tightest jeans! Before SlimFast, I looked at other people in my life who were wearing smaller sizes, and participating in athletic activities, and I would think, “Not me”. That thought process kept me in larger clothing and eating wrong portions of the wrong foods; I was left feeling tired and sad, resigned to the idea that I did not have the power to change my habits in order to lead a healthier lifestyle. Every time I went into a fitting room in a department store I left feeling fat, ugly, and worthless, because it was difficult to find clothing that looked great and flattered my figure. I would think, “I’ll always be this way. Other people are in shape: Not me”. A funny thing happens once you decide, “Not me”. Many other reasons for staying in the same slump, (which later I discovered were just excuses disguised as reasons) pop up: If I go on a diet, I will miss the foods I love and feel starved and deprived, purchasing good foods and planning meals is too costly and time consuming, it’s too late for me– I’m too old to lose weight quickly, I need an expensive gym membership and personal trainer to lose weight, losing weight is hard and I’m too busy to change my life. My list of excuses was getting longer by the minute! Then, I gave SlimFast a chance. Right away, I learned the SlimFast Plan was easier than I had anticipated. It actually simplified my life! I had two meal replacements each day, three 100-calorie snacks scattered throughout the day, and one 500 calorie meal of my choosing. I lost three pounds in the first week, which I had never been able to do before. That first three pounds made me want to lose another three pounds, because I could see and feel the difference in my body! I had more energy, my tightest jeans were starting to fit better, and I smiled more. I started to think about the future– if I could lose three pounds the first week, what might I do in six weeks? Or ten weeks? One by one, all of my “reasons” for staying in my slump vanished: The SlimFast shakes and snacks were truly delicious, hunger-satisfying, and suited my every craving, since some are sweet and some are savory. I wasn’t hungry and I didn’t miss my old foods like I thought I would– I liked the way I felt, loved the way I looked in my new clothing, and once I eliminated the money I was spending on junk food, I realized it wasn’t as expensive or as time consuming as I thought it would be to make the right choices in the grocery store. Sure, I’m not twenty years old, (I’m forty, actually!) but I was able to lose weight quicker than I anticipated. When I run into people I haven’t seen in a while, they tell me I look like I did when I was twenty, which feels great– since I feel twenty again too! I found I had plenty of time to feel and look better, just by staying on the SlimFast Plan. I didn’t have to join an expensive gym or hire a personal trainer; I exercised when I could, stayed on track with the SlimFast Plan, and lost weight steadily. I learned immediately that making the right eating choices gave me the results and energy to get more accomplished during the day than when I was heavier in body and spirit. Seeing results on the SlimFast Plan happens quickly: I lost 34 pounds in 21 weeks, and as I saw and felt the changes in my body each week, I felt a big difference in my mind as well. My clothing sizes started dropping and my fitting room experiences in the department store were astonishing. I left the fitting room feeling fit, attractive, and powerful. I was wearing sizes and trying on clothing I had never worn in my life! I started the diet wearing a size 14, and finished the diet wearing a size 6. Size 6! That’s a size that other people wore–Not me! The SlimFast Plan helped me to make a phenomenal life change. I look better, feel better, and live my life better. I have become my best self. It’s never too late to make changes for the better. The SlimFast Plan taught me that I had the ability, the power– to make the right choices in order to be in shape and feel wonderful: It is me! And it can be you too! There’s not a reason in the world to stay in a slump, a life change is waiting for you, and it’s quicker and easier than you think! Thank you, SlimFast! Lisa
† Lisa is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 21 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After