Lost 35 lbs. and 18″ in 26 weeks
Cartiss, a 32 year old working mother of two, wanted to lose her baby weight fast.* Not only did she surpass her weight loss goal of 30 pounds, but she gained lifelong confidence. Being on the SlimFast plan has truly changed my life. It has changed the way I look at things and has given me the confidence to go after anything that I have doubted doing in the past. I didn’t think that something so simple would have such a huge impact. My greatest achievement is my children have their mother back. I was so down on myself before I started SlimFast, so when I say that SlimFast changed my life, I truly mean it. SlimFast challenged me to change my eating habits and tested my will power daily. Anytime that I had a craving, I would just grab a SlimFast snack. It was so easy and most importantly it is very convenient. As easy as opening up the fridge and grabbing a shake for a meal. What I loved about the snacks is that they are so convenient just grab and go. They are my guilt free pleasure. I wouldn’t change anything about the snacks. I would eat them when I have a late night craving. The cinnamon swirl are my go to snack when I have a sweet tooth or I’ll eat them in between meals to hold me over until my next meal. I have had my cinnamon swirl snacks as a cereal too! I’ve even mixed the BBQ and Sour cream together then separate them so I’m not eating 2 bags at one time and enjoyed them together. Getting creative helps me stick to it! I also pack them in my lunch bag when I go to work and put them in different areas that would normally have junk food. My work locker, pantry, my purse, even my gym bag. My family is on the SlimFast Plan too! And we’ve even become vegetarians, which is something that I never thought that I would do. But I feel the best I’ve felt in years! I know that if SlimFast can change my life that it can do it for others too. I hope to inspire others just like me who are full of doubts and despair and need the extra push. My plans in the near future are to compete in my first fitness competition. It is something that I’ve always wanted to do but never had the self-confidence to do before I tried SlimFast. With SlimFast I know I can compete and even win. I’m excited and look forward to this next chapter. SlimFast chapter 2!! Thanks for giving me my confidence back, SlimFast! Cartiss
† Cartiss is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 26 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After