Lost 30 lbs. and 16″ in 26 weeks
As a business owner and stay-at-home mom that homeschooled her two boys, Hazely struggled to find balance between her busy schedule and taking care of herself. Hazely then discovered the SlimFast Plan.
I will never forget the moment that SlimFast stepped into my life. I was so tired of diets that did not work… from pills to those diets that deprived me from eating what I wanted. I remember saying, “I will give this SlimFast a try, but not sure if it will work since I have already tried so many things.”
Well, I looked into the SlimFast Plan and said to myself, “I can do this, I can enjoy what I love and still lose weight!”. So, I did it - I started. All it took was for me to pick a date and commit myself to the mission I was so focused on reaching. After so many years being overweight, I thought that was just the way I was supposed to look. Little did I know what the future had for me.

I started following the SlimFast Plan “to the T”, combined with 30 minutes of physical activity and within the first week I saw results. What did that cause in me? It caused a self-projection of looking at where I could be in a few months. Fast-forward to 26 weeks into my SlimFast journey I had not only reached my goal weight of losing 30 pounds, but I had gained so many positive things! I learned what calories looked like in food, I learned to have self-control, I learned that I was capable to find new passions like yoga and 5k’s, and I learned that I was capable of achieving any goal I set my mind to, and that commitment pays off.
“I learned that I was capable of achieving any goal I set my mind to, and that commitment pays off. “
Super fast-forward to today (4 years later), I remember all those that told me over and over, “You will gain it all back in a few months…” Don’t you love those people? Well, I LOVE showing them that YES, we can lose it and YES, we can maintain it! I lost the weight with the SlimFast Plan and I am keeping it off with the SlimFast Maintenance Plan! I now simply substitute one meal a day with my favorite SlimFast meal replacement, have two sensible meals and enjoy three delicious snacks (I must admit I’m slightly obsessed with the SlimFast KETO Fat Bombs!). I could not be more thankful to SlimFast for showing me that it IS possible to maintain! I currently stay active but do not work out every day. Hot yoga is STILL my favorite workout!
“I could not be more thankful to SlimFast for showing me that it IS possible to maintain!”
So here I am, still at my goal weight and now I am blessed with the opportunity to inspire others to reach their goals with SlimFast! I am now the SlimFast Lead Brand Ambassador and with the help of my fellow Brand Ambassadors we work together to inspire, motivate, and help tens of thousands of members in our SlimFast Together groups!

Now, THAT is something that makes my heart smile – not only reaching my goal, but inspiring others to reach their goals too! I will forever be grateful to SlimFast for giving me the confidence I now have. We all have it in us; we just have to give ourselves the chance to discover that we can do it. Goals are meant to be reached, if not they are just dreams. If you have not done so yet, I encourage you to come join us in one of the groups! After all, it’s even better when we do SlimFast Together. Check out this amazing blog to help you decide which group is right for you: https://slimfast.com/lp/which-slimfast-together-group-is-right-for-you
Hazely L.
† Hazely is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 26 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After