Lost 57 lbs. and 21″ in 28 weeks
Growing up, Jordan found himself struggling with his weight and at risk for health conditions and diseases. It wasn't until he saw the success of his older sister and SlimFast Brand Ambassador Joann, that he decided to make a change. Read how Jordan easily fit the SlimFast Plan into his everyday lifestyle and dropped an amazing 57 lbs in 28 weeks!
Growing up my entire life, I was the big guy. I would eat any and everything in sight. It caught up to me fast and next thing you know I was the biggest I ever was and had a high risk for all sorts of health conditions and diseases. My family has a long history of weight-related conditions so I decided enough was enough. I wanted to look good, have energy and be confident in myself.
Once I started the SlimFast Plan I knew it was go time! Week by week I saw the weight come off through my hard work and dedication. I am 19, so my life is very chaotic. Between school, work, and my social life it was difficult at times sticking to my diet. Despite this, I stuck through it and regret nothing. The SlimFast Plan is amazing and allowed me to continue my normal lifestyle in a much healthier way.

All my life, everywhere I went I had my big sister Joann to watch as inspiration. She became a SlimFast Ambassador after losing the weight over two years ago. She's a great role model because she always sticks to her meals. We went to a buffet for our mother's birthday and everyone was chowing down on plates of food. Not Joann though, she ate her sensible meal of meat and vegetables. This reminded me that I was not alone in my journey and no matter what, I could take my sister Joann as inspiration and apply it to myself.
Every morning I wake up and grab a shake for breakfast, one for lunch, and my low-calorie meal for my dinner. If I have cravings in between, the SlimFast snacks are spectacular. They have so many options for everyone regardless of a sweet tooth or not. For me the best snack was the Cinnamon Bun Drizzle Crisps.
"The SlimFast Plan is Amazing and Allows Me to Continue My Normal Lifestyle in a Much Healthier Way."
Along with the workouts I chose to do at home and at work, this phenomenal plan helped me stay on track and become healthier every day. As I kept seeing the scale go down I became even more dedicated. My workouts intensified, and I felt like a better me every day. I lost 57 pounds on the SlimFast Plan. It was so fast* and effective. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.
Being on the SlimFast Plan helped show me our mind is the strongest tool available to us. With dedication and perseverance anything is possible. I know from experience that this plan is easy, works, and can help anybody. I'm loving the new me and I am loving SlimFast.

† Jordan is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 28 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After