LOST 90 lbs. and 25” in 48 weeks†
As a young mom of 4, Tonia was determined to get her pre-pregnancy body back. With the help of SlimFast Original, the SlimFast Plan and a consistent exercise program, Tonia reached her goal and then some. Here, Tonia tells her inspiring comeback story.
Hi, My Name is Tonia! I am 31 years old and my weight loss journey started July 2018. I set mini goals for myself during my journey because the overall weight I wanted to lose seemed impossible. I started my journey weighing 235 lbs and I ultimately wanted to get down to 145 lbs!
This was the heaviest I had ever been in my life and I felt terrible about myself. I had just given birth to my 4th child in May 2018 after having twins in April 2017! During those two years of pregnancy I really "packed on the pounds". I delivered all 3 of my pregnancies via c-section so my stomach muscles were stretched to the max. It should have been the happiest time of my life, caring for my little ones, but my weight didn’t allow me to keep up with them as I wanted. I knew I had to change, for myself and my family, and so my SlimFast adventure began!
“I knew I had to change, for myself and my family, and so my SlimFast adventure began!”
My first goal was to get to 200 lbs by my beach vacation in October 2018. I hit that goal with 3 days to spare. My next goal was to get to 170 lbs by Christmas, and I hit that goal with no issues! Lastly, I dreamed of being 150 lbs by my family’s spring vacation in March. Beach time came again and 150 lbs I was! Now there was no stopping me! By July 2019 I had successfully gotten down to my goal weight of 145 lbs.

During my SlimFast journey, I made sure to stick to the 1-2-3 Plan along with working out. Of course, like anyone else I had my cravings, but I knew the diet would only work if I stuck to it! I made sure to make my favorite meals the weeks I was struggling, like a nice pot roast or Cajun Chicken pasta. I paid close attention to my portion size and I would no longer eat bread with my pasta, but instead I had a small salad. I also loved a good juicy cheeseburger but instead of a bun I would wrap it in lettuce!
“I knew the diet would only work if I stuck to it”
I took on this journey on my own, but my family and friends went crazy for me when the weight started falling off so quickly. My biggest supporters are my husband and my oldest daughter who have believed in me since day one. I lost 11 lbs my first two weeks and we were all ecstatic!! Now that I've hit my goal weight, I feel so good about myself! 90 lbs and 25 total inches later, I'm able to chase my three toddlers around without being winded. I roll around on the floor with them and bounce right back up with them, too! One nice thing about my journey is that I've always enjoyed working out! So that part of The Plan came easy for me.

I've really learned so much about myself during this weight loss adventure, and I have so much advice for others that I find myself talking with everyone about SlimFast. The main thing I tell them is that anyone can have a success story if they trust The Plan and stick to it! I even share my little tricks, like big glasses of water in between meals. SlimFast has helped me gain so much confidence. I used to be the shy person in the back of the room but now I'm more outspoken and happier! SlimFast has done so much good for me and literally changed my life for the better.
† Tonia followed the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 48 weeks. She was not remunerated to lose weight; only for her testimonial. Average weight loss 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After