Lost 122 lbs in 40 weeks†
After battling her weight since her teenage years, Stepphanie found the weight loss plan she was looking for in the easy, convenient and effective SlimFast Keto Plan. Now, after committing herself to this low-carb way of eating Stepphanie has achieved amazing results and continues to lose. Here, Stepphanie tells us in her own words how she lost the weight and never looked back.
I have been battling with my weight since my early teen years. In December of 2017, I was struggling to walk more than 10-20 steps at a time without having to sit down and catch my breath. At that time, I realized that I really needed to do something about this weight issue for good or I was going to lose my life to this battle.
I decided that on January 1, 2018 I would start eating low carb. That worked for a while but then I gradually returned to my old eating habits. By December of 2018, I had gained back 63 pounds of the weight I worked so hard to lose at the beginning of the year. I was desperate to find something that would work and would be sustainable long term from a price and satiety perspective.
“I was desperate to find something that would work and would be sustainable long term”
That's when I decided to look at the SlimFast website and saw real success stories that I could relate to. I saw stories that matched exactly what I was going through all that time. There was so much information on the internet about Keto that I decided to look on social media and see if there were any Keto groups. That's where I found the amazing SlimFast Keto Together group! I decided after looking at the group I would give SlimFast Keto a try.

I went to the store and purchased the Brownie Batter shake mix, 2 boxes of meal bars, and 2 boxes of fat bombs. I set a date of January 1, 2019 to get started and I have been following the SlimFast Keto Plan ever since. I have lost 123 pounds following the SlimFast 1-2-3 Keto Plan, as of today. I still have a ways to go but I am teaching myself how to have a healthy relationship with food and no longer use food as my emotional safety blanket.
There are things in life that I have missed out on, like enjoying walks and physical activities with my kids when they were younger. I only have a handful of pictures that I am in because I was so embarrassed of being overweight. I have been ridiculed due to my size, even as an adult. I have always had to worry about weight limits when sitting on furniture, fitting in booths at restaurants, wearing a seatbelt in the car, and trying to fit in an airplane seat. I don't have to worry about those things anymore. I can now fit in an airplane seat and buckle the seatbelt without an extender, and I can fit in a booth just fine at a restaurant. Weight limits on furniture are not an issue anymore either. Most importantly, I can walk with my husband and my dogs! I get to enjoy the simple things in life now. I have an amazing amount of energy to do the things in life I want to do and my health is better today than it has been since I was a child.
“I get to enjoy the simple things in life now.”
So, when you read my posts on the SlimFast page, you will see me telling you how important it is to track all of your food, take measurements weekly, take before pictures, take pictures weekly, and think of all the things you are gaining in life while you are losing the weight. You will see small changes even when the scale doesn’t move. Create a goal board for inspiration and goal tracking - set small goals (if you have 100 pounds to lose, break it up into 10-pound increments), and do not reward yourself with food! Join the Slimfast Keto Together Facebook Group.

I will end with the words that changed my life: my son is a US Marine and he told me in December of 2017, "mom you have to walk before you run and you have to crawl before you walk. So get moving". I needed to hear that so much. Someday I will run beside him!
You can do this! Put one foot in front of the other and just get started! We've got this! I hope to see your success story in the SlimFast Keto Together group!