Lost 36 lbs. and 23″ in 28 weeks
& another 11 lbs. in 5 weeks
with SlimFast Keto!
Balancing a successful career with family life forced Elissa to put herself in the backseat. Tired of missing out on social events and being unhappy with her own reflection in the mirror, she decided it was time to stop trying to hide the weight she gained and get back to focusing on herself.
Read how the SlimFast Plan fit perfectly into her busy lifestyle and gave her renewed energy and confidence, and how after losing 36 pounds she tried SlimFast Keto and lost another 11 pounds in 5 weeks!

I grew up in a family filled with amazing cooks who used their gifts to spread joy and connect with others. As a young girl, I struggled with my weight and found myself using fad/starvation diets to keep my figure in check, but this wasn’t something that was sustainable long term. I felt a need to be as thin as the other girls in my class and at any cost. I associated being thin and having a model figure with being beautiful and was willing to sacrifice my health at the time to keep this up. Thanks to the care and concern of my family, I moved away from starvation diets and the obsessive exercise I believed necessary to have the body I desired.
"My Life Became a Balancing Act. It Was a Fight to Have It All, Fulfill All My Responsibilities, and Find Time for Myself."
Throughout my twenties, I was highly active. It appeared as if I was untouchable, able to eat anything I pleased without gaining a pound. Fast forward a decade to my thirties, countless celebrations later, I almost didn’t recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. I had so many reasons to be thankful: an amazing husband, son, and four adorable fur babies, along with a successful career. My life became a balancing act. It was a fight to have it all, fulfill all my responsibilities, and find time for myself.
In the end, I stopped choosing me, stopped showing up for myself. Countless fad diets left me feeling defeated and eventually led me to accept my fate and dress accordingly to hide the weight. During this time, I avoided many events and social settings because I dreaded seeing that person in the mirror that I didn’t even recognize. I became a master at dressing to hide the extra weight, but the only person I couldn’t fool was myself.
When I started the SlimFast Plan, I knew immediately that it was my way back to me! It fit perfectly into my busy lifestyle and required very little prep or planning, all of which would usually lead me to fail on other plans. The Plan taught me I didn’t have to skip meals or be hungry to lose weight. I had finally found a plan that fit into my lifestyle, that didn’t just offer a way to lose weight, but also a simple maintenance plan to keep it off.
"When I started the SlimFast Plan
I knew immediately that it was
my way back to me!"

Some of Elissa's Favorite SlimFast Products
I saw success immediately on the plan, losing 5 pounds the very first week! I continued to shed the weight steadily over the next 28 weeks, losing a total of 36 pounds and 23 inches! With every pound I lost, I found a stronger desire to make smart food choices and increased resolution to find time to get in a workout. I found myself with a renewed energy and confidence that had once faded. I started showing up for me again and realizing it was okay to choose myself.
Thanks to SlimFast this has been a life changing journey, full of incredible milestones. I hope that my story will inspire others to choose to break free of whatever is holding them back and start choosing themselves again.

† Elissa is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 28 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After