Having struggled with her body image for years, Jennifer developed very unhealthy habits to try to lose weight. As a busy wife and mother of four she needed something easy, convenient and effective and she found everything she needed in the SlimFast Keto Plan. Here, she shares her inspiring journey to success.
I am a stay at home wife and home school mom to four very precious and lively children. As you can probably imagine, my life is insanely and beautifully busy.
I have struggled with weight since I was about 10 years old. Fast forward to 15, not knowing any other way to lose weight and longing for my idea of beauty, I became anorexic for many years. This unhealthy habit ended abruptly when I found out I was pregnant.
During each of my four pregnancies, I gained quite a bit of weight. However, after the birth of my third child, I found success through a low-carb lifestyle. So, when I had my fourth and final child, I expected the same results. Try as I might, for five years I struggled with little to no loss in weight. I battled urges to starve myself again, I hated the way I looked and had no confidence. Even sleeping was uncomfortable. I always knew that beauty had nothing to do with weight, and my husband always loved me no matter what I looked like, but I was miserable.
At a doctor’s visit in early November, I was mortified to face the number on the scale. I weighed as much as I had when I was fully pregnant with my first child. Later on at the Pharmacy, I saw SlimFast Keto. I talked to my husband and he said I should try it if I wanted to.
Right before Thanksgiving, I started my journey. I honestly didn’t expect it to work. I am skeptical when it comes to weight loss companies. Doubtful, I tried the shakes first, ending up completely shocked by how easy and relieving it was to have something that could be ready as SOON as I was hungry, taste good, help my sweet cravings, and still be good for me!

Never in my life had I seen such fast results! By Christmas, the weight was just falling off and people were starting to notice. I had my struggles … late-night cravings, an eventual stall, and wanting to quit. I dug deep inside and decided this was about me, and what I wanted to accomplish. I learned that I don’t have to stay the same. I learned that it is okay to find out what you believe, even if you are alone at first. I learned that being alone is okay too. It is not selfish to care about your health and happiness. Do this for yourself. Keep going, stay patient, and more importantly, never give up!

I drew a lot of strength through people like my husband, my sister, members of the SlimFast Keto Together group, and SlimFast Ambassador Amanda Harvard’s story. I saw that she was human, had a bad day, failed, but kept moving forward, kept losing weight by NOT GIVING UP. So I thought, “Okay, I can do this too.”
What I love MOST about the SlimFast Keto Plan is:
They simplified the Keto diet and took out all the guesswork.
I had wanted to try the Keto lifestyle yet couldn’t wrap my brain around it. SlimFast gave me my wings to make my dreams come true and I am forever grateful!
† Jennifer followed the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 26 weeks. She was not remunerated to lose weight; only for her testimonial. Average weight loss 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After