A working single mom battling PCOS, Jill knew it was time for a change. She found an accountability partner in her sister and set her mind to her goal. She found success with her weight loss plan of choice, SlimFast Keto with Intermittent Fasting. Here, Jill shares how it was easier than she could have ever imagined.
I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 20 and have struggled with my weight all my adult life. I would lose weight but could never keep it off for very long. At the beginning of 2019, I found myself over 200 lbs. I hated what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I didn’t even recognize myself anymore. Who was this person that had taken over my body? I found myself turning to food to cope with the stresses of life, work and being a single mom. Not only would I make poor food choices, but I struggled with binge eating as well.
My sister and I decided together that 2019 was our year to be healthier and happier. She started a low-carb diet while I turned to SlimFast Keto, after coming across an advertisement on social media. I hit the ground running on January 7, 2019 weighing in at 206.6 lbs. Following the SlimFast Keto 1-2-3 diet plan I lost 9.5 lbs my first week. After reading about the benefits of Intermittent Fasting I decided to incorporate it into the SlimFast Keto Plan to maximize my results. I fast everyday between 14 and 17 hours. I always break my fast with a SlimFast Keto meal replacement shake or bar for breakfast. My sister and I weighed in once a week and shared our results, cheering each other on the whole way through. By the end of my first month I was down 18.5 lbs and a total of 33.6 lbs after two months. It had never been so easy to lose weight! Sweets were always my weakness. Never thinking I would be able to give that up, SlimFast “Fat Bombs” quickly became my go-to snack whenever I had a sweet tooth. I would eat a SlimFast Keto Peanut Butter Cup and my sweet tooth was satisfied without the guilt!

Years of yo-yo dieting, trying every gimmick out there and still struggling to lose weight, I had finally found something that really worked! Not only did I find an amazing product that worked but I found the “SlimFast Keto Together” community on social media. Here in front of me was this amazing group of people with the same goal. They shared ideas & recipes, gave each other feedback and most of all motivated each other every day. I went outside of my comfort zone and started sharing my results on the SlimFast Keto page. The support from this group was amazing. SlimFast not only gave me the tools I needed to meet my diet goals but also the support I needed. I was unstoppable!
By the end of month three I had lost a total of 40.6 lbs. I was in disbelief. How could this be so easy? Delicious shakes, satisfying meal bars and fat bomb snacks! I’m enjoying what I eat and I’m still losing weight? It was easy to stay motivated when the scale continued to drop every week. If I indulged in a piece of cake at a birthday party, I would throw in an extra work out that day to make me feel better about “cheating.” I was on a mission and nothing was standing in my way! I had set a goal weight of 160 lbs and by the end of my fourth month I weighed in at 159.8 lbs. I had lost a total of 46.8 lbs in four months on SlimFast Keto!

My sister has been my biggest supporter. We stuck with it together the whole way through, holding each other accountable and motivating each other. Even on those not so great weeks we’d say, “We got this” and we did. It was easier to stay on track seeing the numbers drop and looking forward to sharing our results with each other every week. Stepping on the scale got to be something that I looked forward to at the end of the week. It wasn’t scary anymore and when the number went down every week, I always looked in the mirror with tears in my eyes and told myself “You go girl!” I was truly proud of myself and at the end of the day, the pride you have in yourself is all that matters. Even now having both hit our goals my sister and I still do our best to make the right nutrition choices. Every day isn’t always going to be great, but tomorrow is a new day. Don’t beat yourself up. Start fresh tomorrow and don’t look back!
Losing weight has made me a new person. I am more confident and know I can do anything I put my mind to. Not only am I happy with what I see now when I look in the mirror, but I am proud of the new woman that losing weight has made me. I wish that I would have stumbled on this life change earlier, but I also think the struggles I have had along the way will help me stay true to my fitness goals.
I am working on maintaining my weight and toning my trouble zones. Exercising daily, continuing to practice Intermittent Fasting and drinking SlimFast shakes for two meals a day I have been able to maintain my weight without starving or following a strict diet. Carrying a bottle of water, SlimFast Fat Bombs, cheese and jerky for healthy snacks has helped keep me on track. SlimFast Keto has allowed me to meet my goals and still enjoy the things I like to eat.
† Jill used the SlimFast Plan (a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 39 weeks. She was not remunerated to lose weight; only for her testimonial. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After