I’m from Puerto Rico, where the food is flavorful and full of spices. I discovered the SlimFast Plan after my love for authentic Puerto Rican food caused me to become 30 pounds overweight. The weight gain made me feel hopeless and as a result, I ate even more. The SlimFast Plan gave me back control of my life. I learned about portion control from the SlimFast Plan and watched the pounds melt off after just a few weeks.

My husband, newborn son, and I moved to the U.S. from Puerto Rico. We left our culture, our language and our delicious, flavorful Puerto Rican food in search of a fresh new start in Florida. Three years later, I had my second child. Just five days after having our new son, we took a vacation back to our island. The big bold flavors of authentic Puerto Rican food drew me in. I knew I was overeating, but I was able to blame my extra weight and my appetite on having just had a baby. We stayed in Puerto Rico for only two weeks, however, I felt as though I had eaten enough to make up for the 3 years that we’d been away.
I felt myself losing control of my eating. I was slipping into a pattern of consuming too much of what I loved: mouthwatering, hearty authentic recipes. Our next trip to Puerto Rico lasted 3 weeks. I wasn’t able to focus on losing the baby weight like I’d wanted so badly to do. Instead, I indulged in high calorie meals three times a day.
I began to spiral. I felt out of control and this caused a feeling of helplessness that I wasn’t sure I could overcome.
The biggest problem was portion control, which for me, was more like zero control. I was eating big, hearty breakfasts that were over 1,000 calories. Afterwards, I’d have a 1,200-calorie lunch. Soon after, I’d have a big dinner. Of course, having done this for 3 weeks straight, I gained even more weight.
Experiencing authentic recipes and tasting the big bold flavors of Puerto Rican food was how I felt closer to home. When I ate, I didn’t feel as far away from my culture and my family. At 30 pounds overweight, I tried all kinds of diets and nothing really stuck.
Then, one beautiful December day, I discovered the SlimFast Plan! After only a few weeks on the plan, I started seeing the pounds melt away. I couldn’t believe my eyes or the changes happening to my body. This was a huge encouragement for me to keep going.
I knew that if I stuck to it, it would work. And it did!
I lost the weight and I have learned to understand my body. Now I can say that I enjoy my favorite authentic Puerto Rican foods, however, the SlimFast Plan has taught me portion control. I know that when I go on vacation, I can enjoy amazing food, but in a smarter way. Eating three times a day was not something that was helping me. The SlimFast Plan has taught me to eat six times a day and while being more aware of my caloric intake.
I am now on The SlimFast Maintenance Plan. I get special days where I can enjoy it all and indulge in all of the delicious foods that I love. And that’s OK, because I know that I can always go back to my SlimFast Plan and melt those extra pounds right off!
Thank you SlimFast!