Lost 57 lbs. and 28″ in 65 weeks and is keeping it off!*!
Amanda Havard, SlimFast Success Story and Ambassador shares her emotional journey of overcoming an unexpected change in her relationship, and how after losing 30 lbs. decided to try the SlimFast Keto Plan and lost another 27 lbs. in 37 weeks!
My entire life I have struggled with weight loss. I had an unhealthy relationship with food. I used it to cope with so many emotions. If I was sad or upset, I went to the kitchen. If I received great news I thought; let’s go eat to celebrate. And, often, if I were bored, I would go rummage through the pantry to fill my time. I had no idea what I was doing to my body, and what’s worse is that I had no idea the habits I was teaching my children.
When I started SlimFast in August of 2017 I was a newly divorced single mom of two teenagers. Let me tell you, they keep me moving. Getting married straight out of high school at 18 years old and raising a family for 17 years was such a joy. When that all changed, my life was turned upside down. The first few months were a blur. I was walking around in a fog. I ate my feelings most of the time and when I wasn’t eating, I was sleeping. It was very unhealthy. My children were such a blessing. They gave me time to grieve because believe it or not, any big change in your life can cause you to grieve. Then they told me, “Ok mom it’s time to get up.”
I remember my daughter telling me daily, “It’s going to be ok. It’s us against the world.” They were my wake-up call. I realized it was time to get my life back. To be healthy and strong for my two beautiful children.

When I began the SlimFast Plan I knew it was the plan for me. I have tried several weight loss plans and fad diets through the years. This plan fit my crazy, busy lifestyle perfectly. My first goal I set for myself was to lose 30 pounds. I was able to reach my goal with SlimFast by my side! I found so much support and encouragement from the SlimFast Together group that really helped me along the way. I maintained that weight very proudly for almost a year.
“I found so much support and encouragement from the SlimFast Together group that really helped me along the way.”
In October of 2018, I decided to try the SlimFast Keto Plan that was just launching. I had heard about Keto before and I was very curious. Excited to set a new goal for myself, I jumped right in. During this time, many other life changes came my way. I had been dating an amazing man who happened to propose to me on October 30, 2018. Now, my motivation to reach a new goal was even higher. I set small goals along the way. The fantastic thing is that the weight and inches kept falling off! So much of my family had joined me in the Keto lifestyle that once we started planning the wedding, it just made sense to have a fully Keto menu!! On my wedding day June 8, 2019, I had reached a new goal of 135 pounds. I had never seen myself being able to reach that goal, but I did with the support and encouragement from my family and friends, along with the SlimFast Keto Together Group!
I have continued to maintain my weight with SlimFast Keto. I stay active in the groups and love to share my journey with others. I have always walked at least 30 minutes a day while using SlimFast but now I love to take Taekwondo with my family and try other fun and exciting workouts. I never thought I would be one to enjoy exercise.

I guess my biggest piece of advice to anyone starting their journey, would be to go easy on yourself. I found through my journey that I was my own worst enemy. If I had a bad day and got off plan, or did not hit a target goal I had set for myself I would want to quit and go to the pantry (like that was going to help!). I had to change my way of thinking and for me, that was hard. I am worth it, I can do this, I have the willpower, food will no longer control me. These are the phrases I would have to tell myself several times a day. If you are reading this and have ever felt worthless or unworthy of being happy, it is NOT TRUE. You are worth more than that. Do not give in to those thoughts or feelings. Take a step toward doing something positive for yourself. Tomorrow is a new day and we all get a fresh start each day. Always remember you are enough and worthy!
“I am worth it, I can do this, I have the willpower,
food will no longer control me.”
Starting the SlimFast Plan and then following the SlimFast Keto Plan was the most life-changing experience I have ever had. I am a new me. I have found a confidence in myself that I never knew I had. I am still working on myself daily, but I am so proud of the woman that I have become! I will be forever grateful. Thank you SlimFast!
† Amanda is a remunerated Brand Ambassador and used the SlimFast 1-2-3 Plan (a calorie-controlled diet, regular exercise, and plenty of fluids) for 28 weeks, maintained for 1 year and then for another 37 weeks. Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Results not typical. Read label prior to use. Check with your doctor if nursing, pregnant, under 18, or following a doctor prescribed diet.
Before & After