LOST 23 lbs. and 15” in 28 weeks! †
Cindy K. struggled for years to find a weight loss program that would work for her, with SlimFast she found success and lost 23 lbs. and 15” in 28 weeks†. She shares her success on the plan below.
From 17 years old until I was around 25 years old, I was a professional ballroom dancer. I never had to be concerned about my weight, even though I always wanted to lose just 5 more pounds and then I thought I would be perfect!
After I quit dancing and began pursuing a career in broadcasting, I slowly began to put on the weight. I started a job that had me traveling most weeks of the year. One day as I was getting off a rental-car van, I stepped on a wet foot stool and it slipped out from under me. I fell and injured my lower back. I was unable to move without pain for at least 6 months - no exercise and mostly laying down to keep from feeling any pain. I gained almost 30 pounds in the first month.
Over the next 25-30 years, I struggled through every weight loss program, one diet miracle after another, losing a few pounds here and there, always gaining it back and in some cases gaining more. Throughout this time, I could NEVER break past the 160 pound mark, no matter how hard I tried. I would plateau and get frustrated and eventually give up.

Finally, with the SlimFast program and the community support, I was encouraged to stay on program. Even with some highly emotional days, where I ate too much, binged on comfort foods, when I hit that plateau again, I was still able to bounce back and get back on track.
The day I moved past 160 pounds and was into the 150’s I was ecstatic - SO motivated to keep going. Then I hit a new plateau and had it not been for the SlimFast community holding me accountable, I’m not sure I would have made it. Also, knowing that I DID it once before, I knew I just had to stay with it.
SlimFast works for me because I don’t have to worry about cooking all the time. I really hate to cook. My only concern is one meal a day and the rest are satisfying shakes or meal replacement bars and great tasting snacks that I can carry with me at all times. I actually don’t know what I would do without SlimFast products now. They have become such a part of my routine. I’m on my way to losing the rest of the weight and hitting my final goal of 135 pounds.