LOST 26 lbs. and 35” in 30 weeks†
Jeanne struggled for years to balance her responsibilities to her children and herself, often putting her own needs on the back burner. Jeanne found the SlimFast Plan and started taking back her life and health. She shares her success below.
My weight loss was always on my to-do list. I had consistently gained for a decade and I had allowed life’s rollercoaster to just take me for a big, uncontrollable ride. I started to feel like God was telling me “Your ‘Mom heart’ is going to eventually strangle your physical heart unless you take care of yourself.” I stood on the scale one morning and I said to myself, “I’m 5’2, my number should never be this high! What am I doing?”. I knew I had been slowly losing energy and having body aches but ignored it and just kept focusing on caring for everyone else.

One evening a SlimFast ad came into my social newsfeed. I thought “Wow, people still use that? It’s been around since I was a kid”. I searched the web for more info. To my surprise it was everywhere and still obviously working for people. The next day (March 10th), I started. I have made a lot of great decisions in my life and a lot of not so great decisions. Making the decision to start SlimFast was one of my best.
“Making the decision to start SlimFast was one of my best.”
I had focused my entire adult life on putting everyone else first. Everyone else’s needs, health and happiness came first. That was my choice and I love my family, but I got lost in it. I drowned myself in it and was at the point it felt like I was disappearing. I had always felt it was selfish when I did anything for myself and I would carry guilt when I did. SlimFast started taking off more than just the physical weight. As I progressed, and continue to progress, it has helped me feel like I matter. My health and happiness matter.

Choosing SlimFast for my weight loss journey has been one of the easiest no-brainer things. Two meal replacement shakes a day, three 100-calorie snacks, and a healthy, 500-600 calorie, sensible meal? How hard is that? It’s as easy as 1-2-3! I’m on my way. I’m doing it. I’m doing it for me. I already have more energy, my clothes are fitting better, and I’m much happier. Life no longer feels like endless heavy lifting.
“Life no longer feels like endless heavy lifting.”
I’m all in because SlimFast works! You see the scale go down and inches coming off, how can you be anything but all in? My progress with SlimFast motivates me to get stronger. To not cross myself off because of age, or weight or because I’m Mom. My champions in this whole thing are my SlimFast Together teammates: so supportive, so Inspiring.
There’s a lot of life to live and I’m going to be living mine lighter, stronger and happier with SlimFast.