Jessica S. LOST 50 lbs.. and 30” in 30 weeks†
Jessica struggled with her weight, trying several plans in the past that didn’t work for her. After finding SlimFast Keto, Jessica lost 50 lbs. just in time for her wedding anniversary goal.
My name is Jessica, I am a 29-year-old mother of two adventurous boys. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I started SlimFast Keto in October of 2018. I weighed 200.8 lbs. I set a goal to lose fifty pounds by my fifth wedding anniversary in May 2019. I achieved my goal weight one week before my anniversary! In the past, I had tried several weight loss plans, medical weight loss plans, and even weight loss teas. None of these plans worked for me. I had heard about Keto when I discovered SlimFast Keto.

I chose SlimFast Keto because diabetes and addiction run in my family. This is a recipe for an unhealthy relationship with food that has tremendous consequences. I thought it would be difficult to give up bread and other carbs, but I was determined to live a healthier life. It turns out, that it was not all that difficult to give up carbs for healthier alternatives. The SlimFast Keto meal replacements and fat bombs controlled my craving for sweets. My absolute favorite meal is a medium-cooked ribeye with a side salad, and guess what? It fits in The Plan! I was able to make all my favorite foods fit into the SlimFast Keto Plan.
“I thought it would be difficult to give up bread and other carbs, but I was determined to live a healthier life. It turns out, that it was not all that difficult to give up carbs for healthier alternatives.”

During my weight loss journey, I have found a love for strength training! I love getting stronger, and strength training burns calories too! I joined the “500-lb Club” at my gym this year! The 500-lb Club requires members to have a combined Deadlift, Squat, and Bench Press of 500 lbs. There is no way I would have been able to achieve this before starting my weight loss journey with SlimFast Keto. My husband has been so supportive throughout my new lifestyle. He encourages me to make healthy choices and we even exercise together sometimes. I would not have been successful without his encouragement and support!
“There is no way I would have been able to achieve this before starting my weight loss journey with SlimFast Keto.”
If I could go back to before I started my SlimFast Journey, I would tell myself that The Plan works. I would let myself know that I would feel so much better and stronger in just a few short weeks. I would also tell myself that I would come to love myself again. The biggest change I have noticed in myself is my confidence. I have never really been confident. I have always felt scared to wear bright and bold outfits, because I didn’t want anyone to look at me. I wouldn’t initiate conversations, because I was afraid of what people would think of me. That has all changed since losing weight with SlimFast! I wear what I want, because I’m not afraid of being noticed. I’m not afraid of initiating conversations with anyone, even strangers! SlimFast has given me confidence that I never had! Thank you SlimFast!