Lost 25 lbs. and 15″ in 28 weeks
When Joy welcomed the birth of her son in 2015, she quickly learned that sleepless nights and stressful days would put her diet and exercise plans on the back burner. After hitting her highest weight ever, Joy, along with the support of her husband, decided to make a change. Read how the SlimFast Plan easily fit into her busy lifestyle, allowing her to continue to eat the foods she loved as she successfully lost 25lbs in 28 weeks!
My son.
My relationship with my husband.
The three reasons I chose to start and keep at it on the SlimFast Plan.
To say that SlimFast changed my life and my family’s life is an understatement. Growing up, I never really had to worry about my weight. I ate what I wanted and had a high metabolism. My weight was always on the smaller end of the scale and I was not overweight. It wasn’t until I got to college that I realized my metabolism wasn’t what it once was. I couldn’t just eat what I want and not work out at the gym. And in turn, I started to become overweight.
I met my husband in college and after dating for a couple of years, we started to not care about our weight. We got comfortable and didn’t realize how unhealthy we were getting. However, it got to a point where we both knew we needed to get healthier. We tried different diet programs and gym regimes, but we noticed that it was complicated and time-consuming. It was a lot of meal prepping and following a strict workout regimen. Some worked, some didn’t.
In 2015, I got pregnant with our son. I was so ecstatic to finally become a mom! My weight at the time wasn’t the heaviest I had been, and I was determined to lose that baby weight once my son was born. However, once my son was here, my weight wasn’t the number one priority, my new baby was. We had sleepless nights, stressful days. But overall, so happy that we had this new addition to our family. My husband was honorably discharged from the Army back in 2016. Since he was on such a tight leash for so long with the Army (having to always be physically fit), he took advantage of his discharge as a way to enjoy food again and we both got to an uncomfortable weight and unhappy with the way we looked.

Some of Joy's Favorite SlimFast Products
After a year of this lifestyle and the heaviest we had ever been, I found SlimFast. I asked my husband if he would lose the weight with me and he was all about it. What attracted me to this program was how easy it was. We were still able to enjoy our favorite foods (for that one sensible meal) and still lose weight. At first, it was a difficult change, but we stuck to it because of how simple and easy the program was. Replacing two meals with shakes, cookies, or bars was much simpler than slaving away in the kitchen, meal prepping every week. Combine that with wanting to go to the gym and wanting to stay dedicated, we saw results immediately! After 28 weeks on the program, we have shown our now 3-year-old the importance of staying active and eating healthy, but we still had fun while on this plan. We finally found something that works and we are more than willing to keep at it because of how strong it has made our family and how simple it is to follow.
"At first, It Was a Difficult Change, But We Stuck to It Because of How Simple and Easy The Plan Was."
Even if you get off track, the 1-2-3 plan is so easy to get back on. Also, the community (SlimFast Together on Facebook) is so supportive and is helpful in getting you back on track. The many resources SlimFast has provided us with contributed to our success and we couldn’t be happier.
Thank you SlimFast for changing our lives!