LOST 110 Lbs. And 53” In 61 Weeks!
After having previous success on the SlimFast Plan, Halle was invited to join the SlimFast Together Community and decided to start The Plan alongside her husband, Heinz. They found success together! Halle shares her journey below.
I was originally invited to the SlimFast Together group on January 31, 2019. I knew about SlimFast because I had successfully lost about 40 lbs. around 15 years earlier. After being in a horrific car accident, I couldn’t maintain and put SlimFast on hold. I gained all my weight back, and then some. Fast forward over the next 14 years: lots of medication, physical therapy, depression, major back surgery...I was a mess... and the weight just poured on, to the tune of weighing 230# on my SlimFast start date: 2/1/19. I knew I needed to suck it up and change. I had been willfully ignorant far too long.
"I knew I needed to suck it up and change. I had been willfully ignorant far too long."
My hubby knew that I had reached a tipping point, and I had set my mind on doing this. So, I joined SlimFast Together and told my hubby, "We're going on a diet!”. Being the wonderful and supportive hubby that he is, he graciously agreed to work The Plan with me. He jokes about it now, but I basically didn't give him a choice. I knew I wouldn't succeed if there were tempting foods in my home. The SlimFast Plan with two meal replacements, three snacks, and one sensible meal made this new way of life appealing.
This simple-to-follow Plan makes eating less complicated because I'm not focusing on what I want to eat throughout the day. It really does make my day that much more effective with the tasks at hand. Having two SlimFast meal replacements on hand ensures I can go about my day without unneeded distractions and feel assured I'm getting the nutrition my body needs. I make sure there's a variety of healthy 100 calorie snacks available whether I'm home or on the go. I like that I have a variety of choices for meal replacements and snacks, which ensures I never get bored with the same foods day in and day out.

When it comes time to have my daily sensible meal, I can enjoy preparing for and planning it. I've always enjoyed cooking and creating recipes, but with the SlimFast Plan, I've learned to respect the foods I eat. In doing so, I've learned to respect myself. My weight loss is a direct result of making wise choices. I really didn't comprehend what that meant until I took this life changing journey with SlimFast. Between the SlimFast website and the SlimFast Together group, I have plenty of resources and information to make successful choices.
"I've learned to respect the foods I eat. In doing so, I've learned to respect myself. My weight loss is a direct result of making wise choices"
As I started to shed the weight, those around me started to pay attention. I hadn't realized the impact my journey was having on people. Family, friends and neighbors all started to comment on my weight loss and ask questions. Many have since started their own weight loss journeys as a direct result of the success they've witnessed in my own experience with SlimFast. Although, my greatest encourager is my husband, who's faithfully walked this journey alongside me, and in his own right has become a SlimFast success story. We're so proud of one another! We see now, looking back at pictures of us, that we really didn't realize how heavy we were. I thought we'd last a week. Well, one week passed, and we were ok. So we gave it another week ... and another week. Here we are 14 months later. We feel amazing and healthy. We have literally been given a new lease on life. We are so grateful for our SlimFast family!! I am so grateful that I am a SlimFast Brand Ambassador! What a blessing and a privilege! We are definitely Stronger Together!