LOST 45 lbs. and 22” in 50 Weeks! †
Along with his wife Halle, Heinz started the SlimFast Plan after finding the SlimFast Together Community. They found success together! Heinz shares his journey below.
Like many people who decide to go on a diet because they reached a point where their weight became an issue, that was where I was at. I weighed in at 217 pounds, and was at a point where I had to buy new clothes because I grew out of my size 42 pants and my extra large shirt was snug. That was the last straw. I was both disgusted and embarrassed. I decided to go on a diet, like so many times before. I managed to lose 20 pounds on my own by “cutting back.” However, I stopped losing at 20 pounds.

While this was going on, my wife Halle was battling her own weight gain. What she did would change both our lives. She went online and joined the Slimfast Together Facebook Group. On February 1, 2019 she says, “Honey, we’re going on a diet.” We emptied out our refrigerator and pantry of all the foods we knew we shouldn't eat. When we were finished, there wasn't much left. With the help of the Slimfast Together Facebook Community, Halle was able to put into place a plan we could follow. We decided to target a weight we wanted to reach. The first few weeks were very hard for me, but Halle would not let me fall off the wagon.

We would try to keep our calorie intake at 1200-1300 a day. In order to do that we would drink a shake for breakfast, have a snack, a shake for lunch, another snack, and a 500-600 calorie sensible dinner. We would also eat popcorn for our evening snack. As the weeks went by, so did my weight. It began to drop. But I had been down this road before. However, the longer we stuck to it, the easier it got. The weight fell off slow but steady, 1-2 pounds a week. I started my Slimfast journey at 197 lbs. I am now 151.5lbs., and my goal is 150 lbs.