As a professional musician with a grueling tour schedule, Matt found it hard to keep his weight under control. Read how SlimFast helped Matt change his relationship with food and how the SlimFast Plan fit right into his busy schedule, helping him lose 36 pounds and 20 inches†!
Being a dad to two amazing girls and a professional musician, I can finally say I’ve found something that’s just right for me in a sense of “forever means forever”. Before I started my SlimFast journey I tipped the scales at a whopping 340 lbs. It was the worst time in my life. Depression set in. It just felt as if nothing else really mattered anymore, other than food because I felt that’s the one thing that truly loved me back. Truth be told I was in a serious relationship with food. We woke up together in the mornings, we spent time with one another all day, and we went to sleep together. We were truly involved in an unhealthy sense. However, realizing I was hurting myself I knew it was time for change. Through a rigorous process of hard work, healthy eating, determination, dedication and most importantly time. I managed to lose a staggering 104 lbs over the course of time.
Being proud of myself was something I couldn’t help but to be. Sadly, things quickly changed because I simply had no control over my body anymore. The weight stopped coming off. My goal was to be 200 pounds or less and what I was doing wasn’t working for me anymore. At a loss for words and hope I didn’t know what else I could possibly do.

One day I got introduced to SlimFast. I gave it a shot. Man am I glad I did. Losing the remaining weight I needed to lose with the SlimFast Plan was truly an eye opener, a “life-changing experience” if you will. I get emotional talking about it to family, friends, and people in general. Who knew that something so easy could be so effective in so little time. The only thing that’s required of you is to start and stick to it. The rest will take care of itself. The plan I followed was simple. Replace two meals with a SlimFast shake or smoothie along with a 200-calorie mini meal, have three 100-calorie snacks and one 500-calorie meal of your choosing daily.
I wouldn’t change anything about my weight loss journey nor am I mad at the person I was, because the person I am today is full of life, love, energy, joy, happiness, and laughter. If I had not been that old Matt all those years before my journey, the new Matt would have never been introduced to my new family and friends at SlimFast. Knowing what it took to get here and the help SlimFast provided me, I’m forever grateful.