LOST 57 Lbs. And 37” Over 22 weeks†
Nicole turned to the internet to find ways to lose weight after years of struggling. After finding the SlimFast Plan and website, Nicole found the motivation and support she was looking for to help her make a change and lose weight. Here, she shares her inspiring journey to success.
Hi, my name is Nicole! I’m a hardworking proud mother of three beautiful girls. My journey started in 2017 when I was at my heaviest weight of 185 lbs. After having my girls I had lost control of my health. I would eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, regardless if I was hungry or not. This was a very sad time for me. Something inside of me said enough was enough I needed to get healthy! I wanted to change. I wanted to be healthy for my kids and for my family. My husband who served in the military at the time was always so fit and active. He would run a mile for fun, he also could eat whatever he wanted, and still not gain a pound while I blew up! Talk about struggle on my part! I admired my husband so much for how healthy and fit he was. I really wanted to be able to do the same.

One day I looked up ways to lose weight. I was looking for an answer quick, I was not going to give up until I found a way that I could lose the weight fast! So, I stumbled across SlimFast and I found the website. I checked out the SlimFast Plan and this seemed like an awesome idea!!! A plan that I could fit into my everyday busy mom life! Guess what … it worked for me!!! SlimFast works!!!!!!! All I did was follow the SlimFast Plan and all my goals were achieved! While doing the SlimFast Plan I lost 56 lbs. I weighed 185 lbs and achieved my goal weight of 129 lbs. It was amazing!!!! I remember stepping on the scale and crying tears of joy!!! I have never cried tears of joy about my weight before. SlimFast made me feel so confident and like a whole new woman, mother and wife! I am forever grateful for SlimFast.
I remember stepping on the scale
and crying tears of joy!!!
You bet after I got off that scale I went on a shopping spree to buy a whole new wardrobe. I couldn’t believe how much weight I lost and how confident I was to go clothes shopping again. I also ran my first 5k with ease. I felt confident and I was able to complete it and get my medal at the end! What an amazing moment it was for me. I never thought I would be able to do that. I also started rollerblading again. It was something I always loved to do as a kid. It is such a great way to have fun with my family and keeps me active and burn some extra calories.
My daily routine on SlimFast is so simple! Before joining SlimFast I remember struggling with what to eat and what to snack on. With SlimFast it was so easy. I just bought the ready to drink shakes, or I made my shakes in a blender with the SlimFast shake mixes and my meals were set for the day. I also had one sensible meal a day. I found a lot of recipes in the SlimFast Together group page and the SlimFast website. SlimFast has a ton of recipes you can make, and they are amazing! My favorite one is the Chicken Fajita Stuffed Sweet Potatoes. They are amazing!

While on my SlimFast journey, I joined the SlimFast Together group on social media where I made so many friends and become so social. I was learning and just blooming with my weight loss. I couldn’t have asked for a better support group of people that truly care about me and take their time out of their day to help and give me advice or even just make me laugh! SlimFast Together had my back!
I couldn’t have asked for a better support group of people
My biggest champion would be SlimFast Brand Ambassador Hazely, I have always looked up to her for advice and I just admire her so much and I felt like I could relate to her in so many ways. I truly am thankful for all her support and encouragement and overall friendship. She helped me get to where I am today, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart. If I could ever go back in time before I found SlimFast, I would tell myself you can do this - you are so strong! SlimFast works! Start now! SlimFast has definitely made me a stronger, more confident person inside and out. I wanted to share my story with the many women and men out there and tell them that they can do this! SlimFast is amazing and will get you to your goals in no time you just have to believe in yourself and follow The Plan. Believe that you are amazing!